Life With Brynne: Miss Independent

It's almost as if I blinked and she turned into a different baby. Everyone said they get more and more fun as they get older and boy were they right! I still cry about how big and independent she is getting, but she is undoubtedly the biggest joy my life has ever had. 

It's a total game changer when they start sitting up. I remember it was almost like she grew up over night. As per usual I sobbed knowing she wouldn't need to be in my arms as much. I sobbed knowing week by week she would want to sit on her own more. I sob knowing my little baby isn't such a little baby anymore. 

Brynne recently started only nursing in the morning and at night. It then changed to just one or the other. Oh how my heart sank a bit (and by a bit, I mean totally crumbled and spent most of the night ugly crying while my husband shook his head at how ridiculous I am). Just another reminder of my little baby becoming a big girl. I try to pump before bed just to keep myself producing... But I suspect there isn't much in there and she prefers the bottle. Thank God she still lets me hold her bottle. I guess I should celebrate that my sweet baby is growing, changing, and becoming more independent, and I do, but if I could keep her little and in my arms forever... I selfishly would consider it.

In the past 3-4 months she sits up without assistance... we have the occasional tumble over. I attribute those to her enormous delicious noggin. Last week she fell pretty hard and smacked that beautiful little face on the hardwood floor. Total mommy fail. I blamed myself and sobbed as she screamed her head off and buried her little head in my chest. That royally sucked. I will never again watch Jersey Shore Reunion with her sitting there (so embarrassed that I was watching that and she hurt herself). Talk about major mommy guilt.

She has such a personality now. She likes to clap with that big smile and she likes to wave to people. She definitely recognizes mommy, daddy, her cousins, and her grandparents. There is nothing sweeter than walking into the house after running an errand and seeing that face light up. If only my husband was that happy to see me. She gets the most excited when my mom comes over... shocking... I know.. haha. I swear she has some kind of grandma spell on these kids. When Brynne sees my mom she shakes and rocks and squeals out of excitement. It is the cutest.. and yes, I am incredibly jealous! 

Currently we are working on crawling(she is so lazy!), eating (she is so picky!), and napping(we have great days and not so great days). Along with waving and clapping, she tries to pull her little chunky body up on things, sleeps on her tummy(which drives me nuts!), she sleeps through the night (almost every night), and her first little tooth poked through! 

This past 9 months have flown by and left me with so many beautiful memories. I literally can't imagine my life without her. I still look at her and cry out of the pure joy that she is mine. I will never forget the heartache and tears before her, but I would go through it all a million times over if it meant having her. I am so thankful that I went for a second opinion. I am so grateful that the first doctor was just wrong. I am so blessed that I get to be her mom.


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