Pregnancy After Loss: Reaching My Rainbow, The Due Date
My July 29th due date came and passed. I was not upset about it. Like I said, I actually really enjoyed being pregnant, but I was definitely ready to meet her. I created my dream nursery, her car seat was in, I raided the CVS isle of preparation H, tucks pads, and dermoplast. I got my nails, hair, and eyebrows done before my due date. I had my hospital bag packed and ready to go... All we needed was for her to be ready!
She was still high up. My belly was still pretty much up to my damn chin at 40weeks. I knew she wasn't coming out that week. Sure I was tired and enormous, but I was feeling great other than the fact that I hadn't slept well in months. I was still going out every single day! Shopping, eating, and walking around my childhood neighborhood. I spent my mornings relaxing in my moms pool. Life was good, but with each passing day I grew worried that she was going to get to big and the whole cord thing... Yep, I'm a true psycho.
I was now a full week past due. I had tried all the tricks the previous week. I walked tor miles. No, I did not drink castor oil. I did however, eat pineapple. I ate a whole pineapple with the hopes of moving things along. The only thing this pineapple induced was diarrhea! I was scheduled to be induced August 7th. Now I knew that no matter what, on August 7th, I could be holding my baby in my arms.
That day I woke up excited. Of course I was nervous, but I was more excited than anything. I cried many times that day... Nerves and excitement will do that to ya! I spent a lot of time that day snuggling with my fur baby. I went in the pool one last time. I ate. I ate a lot. My husband snapped a few photos of me with my big belly. We knew that in the next 24 hours, that big belly would be gone. I was to go in Monday at midnight. Brandon packed the car, we put on our pjs, and we just snuggled and watched tv. At 9pm we decided we would lay in bed and try to sleep. I cried. I cried because I was scared. I cried because I was happy. I cried because I had no idea how this would go.